Tips to be Successful on YouTube

The video sharing website YouTube has been an absolute sensation since its creation in February 2005, by November 2006 the website was bought by Google for $1.65 billion such was its instant success. The website has given people access to one of the biggest video libraries in the World and also given people the ability to get in front of the camera and make themselves a star and you can do it too.


It is very easy to set up your own YouTube channel and as long as you own a cell phone then you can point, shoot and record as many videos as you like. If you can become successful as a YouTuber and gain popularity then you could follow in the footsteps of many that have gone before and make this a career, and here is how.

Be Engaging

If you want people to watch you then you need to be engaging, you need to capture people’s attention with your words or actions so that they not only enjoy the video but also come back for more. I was watching the prophet TB Joshua delivering one of his sermons recently on the Synagogue of All Nation’s YouTube channel and it is easy to see why they have one of the most viewed and subscribed-to religious YouTube channels on the planet. The pastor is energetic, he is passionate, he relates content to the people watching at home and he is likable, characteristics which you need to have in order to succeed.

Create Quality Content

If you want to gain popularity then you need to ensure that you have extremely high standards and can constantly produce high quality content. Being inconsistent with the quality of your videos will end up with some viewers perhaps but without any kind of real popularity. You should take the time on your videos to ensure that you are delivering a high standard of video for the viewers.

Utilize Social Media

When it comes to people finding your videos, you are at the whim of the YouTube search algorithm and the best way to promote the videos that you create is to utilize social media, Facebook and Twitter in particular. The reach that videos can get on Facebook far outweighs any links that are uploaded so you could consider releasing some of your videos internally on Facebook in an effort to get people to later visit your channel. Remember that  you will live and die by word of mouth online and the growth that you may see can happen very quickly, make sure your content is great and you market hard.

Make Friends

Making friends with other YouTubers or social media specialists can be a great way of helping your channel’s popularity. Sharing each others stuff means that you can reach a wider audience, especially if your contact is more popular than you are. Remember that the internet is one big community and if you can help others, then others will do the same for you.